The FreeBSD Diary

The FreeBSD Diary (TM)

Providing practical examples since 1998

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Topics related to an article

This page lists the topics within which the article appears. This will help you to find material related to your objective.

Topic short cuts
This section is a list of shortcuts to the topics which appear below. But you should start with Things everyone should read.
screen Shells

  screen - how to detach a session from your window 22 Feb 1999
screen - how to remove "remote or dead" sessions 17 Apr 1999

  Changing the shell (bash) 26 Jul 1998
su - how to become a super user.  avoid using root 18 Oct 1998
Changing your bash prompt 6 Jan 1999
screen - how to detach a session from your window 22 Feb 1999
nologin - Refuse a login to a user, and make a note of it in syslog 9 Mar 1999
ssh - much more secure than telnet 25 Apr 1999
ssh2 - when ssh won't do 13 Aug 1999
periodic - using it to run shell scripts 9 Nov 1999
Installing OpenSSH - less restrictive than ssh 5 Dec 1999
Changing your tcsh prompt 14 Jan 2000
Changing the shell for existing users and new users 11 Aug 2000
grep, sed, and awk for fun and profit 9 Aug 2011