These are the script files for Dynamic DNS. You will need to modify the items in
bold. If you click on the <headers>, you can get the
raw text instead of html.
export HTTP_AUTH="basic:*:userid:password"
# this isn't needed. It doesn't do much good anyway. but was in the
# original script
#ip_addr=`netstat -rn | egrep ^ | sed -e "s,.* ,,g" | \
# xargs /sbin/ifconfig | grep "inet.addr" | sed -e "s,.*addr:,," \
# -e "s, .*,,"`
# get the incoming parameter from our perl script from where
# we were launched
fetch -q -o /usr/home/dan/fetch_results.html\$ip_addr | \
sed -e "s,^,$now: ," -e "s,<.*\?>,,g"
use Socket;
use MIME::Base64;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# globals
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$routerAddress = "";
$username = "blank";
$password = "Telecom";
$NotifyByMail = "root, yourname\";
$EmptyIP = "";
$IPFilename = "/usr/home/dan/myip.txt";
$DNSUpdateScript = "/usr/home/dan/";
$DNSUpdateResults = "/usr/home/dan/fetch_results.html";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# syslog
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub syslog( $ )
my $msg = shift( @_ );
system("logger -i -t DYDNS $msg");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FetchM10Address
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub FetchM10Address()
my $encoded;
my $httpRequest;
my $httpResponse;
my $sin;
$encoded = encode_base64( "$username:$password" );
$httpRequest = "GET /shell/show+ip+interfaces HTTP 1.0\r\n"
. "Accept: text/*, text/html\r\n"
. "Authorization: Basic $encoded\r\n"
. "\r\n";
$httpResponse = "";
socket( SH, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') )
|| die "can not create socket, $!\n";
$sin = sockaddr_in( 80, inet_aton($routerAddress) );
connect( SH, $sin ) || die "can not connect to router, $!\n";
send( SH, $httpRequest, 0 );
while ()
$httpResponse = $httpResponse . $_;
close( SH );
$httpResponse =~ m/inet ([\d.]+) netmask 0 peer/;
return $1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# getLastIP
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getLastIP()
my $OldIP = "";
if (open( FILE,"<$ipfilename" )) { $OldIP="<FILE">;
chomp( $OldIP );
close FILE;
return $OldIP;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# writeIP
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub writeIP( $ )
$ip = shift( @_ );
if (open( FILE, ">$IPFilename" ))
print FILE $ip;
close FILE;
print "Error: couldn't write to file $IPFilename: $!\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# UpdateDNS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# this returns a number > 0 (most likely one).
# otherwise, it returns zero.
sub UpdateDNS( $ )
$ip = shift( @_ );
print "Updating to IP $ip\n";
# although we get passed the new IP, we don't
# actually use it here because the DNS update script is self
# contained.
system $DNSUpdateScript,$ip;
# Confirm that the IP returned by the script is contained in the html.
# If it is, then the update succeeded. If not, it failed.
$Count = `grep -c $ip $DNSUpdateResults 2>/dev/null`;
print "count = $Count\n";
if ($Count == 0) {
$Result = "0"
else {
$Result = "1";
return $Result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "DYNDNS\n";
syslog( "start" );
$currentIP = FetchM10Address();
$lastIP = getLastIP();
print "currentIP = $currentIP, lastIP = $lastIP\n";
if ($currentIP eq $EmptyIP)
# sometimes the router has no IP address
syslog( "The IP Address is unassigned ($currentIP)" );
if ($currentIP ne $lastIP)
print "change detected\n";
# update our DNS with the new IP
$Result = UpdateDNS( $currentIP );
print "Result = '$Result'\n";
syslog( "The IP Address has changed to $currentIP" );
# send some email to let people know it's changed
open MAIL, "|mail -s 'Dynamic DNS change' $NotifyByMail";
print MAIL "The IP Address has changed to $currentIP\n";
# but if the DNS updated failed, let them know that too.
if ($Result eq "0") {
syslog( "but the update script has failed. Details follow.");
print MAIL "but the update script has failed. Details follow.\n";
print "update failed\n";
else {
writeIP( $currentIP );
print "update succeeded\n";
# include the fetch results in the email
open (RESULTS, "fetch_results.html");
while() {
print MAIL;
close RESULTS;
close MAIL;
syslog( "stopped" );