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Installing a new virtual web with FP extensions 18 February 1999
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This article tells you how to install a new virtual web and allow a user to update that web.  It assumes the web site will contain the FrontPage 98 Extensions.
Add a new user
Here is how I added a new user (i.e. logon)  to the FreeBSD system.  We are adding susan to the system and give her a home directory of /home/susan.   However, we are not going to allow this user to actually logon to FreeBSD.   They will only access the website through FrontPage 98.  This is the reason why we don't give her a shell.
[root@ns:/var/log/apache] # adduser 
Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want see all warnings & 

Check /etc/shells
Check /etc/master.passwd
Check /etc/group
Enter your default shell: bash csh date no sh [no]: 
Your default shell is: no -> /nonexistent
Enter your default HOME partition: 
[/home]: /home
Copy dotfiles from: /usr/share/skel no [/usr/share/skel]: 
Send message from file: /etc/adduser.message no 
Use passwords (y/n) [y]: 

Write your changes to /etc/adduser.conf? (y/n) [n]: y

Ok, let's go.
Don't worry about mistakes. I will give you the chance 
                             later to correct any input.
Enter username [a-z0-9_-]: susan
Enter full name []: Susan Crinion
Enter shell bash csh date no sh [no]: 
Enter home directory (full path) [/home/susan]: 
Uid [1005]: 
Enter login class: default []: 
Login group susan [susan]: 
Login group is ``susan''. Invite susan into other groups: guest no 
Enter password []: 
Enter password again []: 

Name:     susan
Password: ****
Fullname: Susan Crinion
Uid:      1005
Gid:      1005 (susan)
Groups:   susan 
HOME:     /home/susan
Shell:    /nonexistent
OK? (y/n) [y]: y
Added user ``susan''
Send message to ``susan'' and: no root second_mail_address [no]: 

Susan Crinion,

your account ``susan'' was created.
Have fun!

See also chpass(1), finger(1), passwd(1)

Add anything to default message (y/n) [n]: n
Send message (y/n) [y]: n
Copy files from /usr/share/skel to /home/susan
Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n
Create the virtual web
This is already covered in another section.  Please see Apache - virtual hosts.  Be sure to point the virtual website at the directory specified above.

After doing this, you should be able to browse to the website.  If you can't, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong.  But if you find that I've missed something out, please leave your comments.

Install the FrontPage Extensions
This was not an easy process.  It took me some time to figure out how to do this.   It was mostly trial and error and I found no practical examples anywhere.   Eventually, I got help from #FreeBSD on Undernet IRC.
[root@ns:/] # cd /usr/local/frontpage/currentversion/bin

[root@ns:/usr/local/frontpage/currentversion/bin] # ./fpsrvadm.exe
Type "fpsrvadm -h" for help on command line options

Please enter command:
0) quit
1) install
2) upgrade
3) uninstall
4) check and fix
5) enable authoring
6) disable authoring
7) change security settings
8) recalculate links
9) delete
10) rename
11) set directory executable
12) set directory no executable
13) putfile
14) recalcfile
15) chown
Your choice [1]: 1

Please enter server type:
0) apache
1) apache-fp
2) apache-wpp
3) cern
4) ncsa
5) netscape-commerce
6) netscape-communication
7) netscape-enterprise
8) netscape-fasttrack
Your choice [0]: 1
Enter server config filename: /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
Enter host name for multi-hosting []:

Starting install, port:, web: ""

Enter user's name []: susan
Enter user's password: 
Confirm password: 
Creating root web
Install completed.

Note that the host name (e.g. that you enter should be the same as that defined in the server config file.  Look in /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf for a line that looks like this:


For the above line, you can specify the web site URL (e.g. instead of the IP address.  See Apache name-based Virtual Host Support for more details on this option.  I've always used the IP address.

Note, that under recent version of Front Page, I've found that for the "Enter host name for multi-hosting", I needed to enter the ServerName as found in the httpd.conf file.

If you don't supply the correct host name, you'll get this error
When installing the FP Extensions, be sure to supply the same value for the host name as is specified in the config file.   If you don't do this, you will get the following error:
Enter server config filename: /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
Enter host name for multi-hosting []:
'' server is not a valid virtual server.

In the above example, we supplied the instead of the IP when the IP was specified in the server config file.

You should now be able to publish to this website using Front Page 98.  If you can't, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong.  But if you find that I've missed something out, please add your comments and let us know.
Did it work?
Please, I'd like to know whether or not this worked for you.  Please drop me a line to let me know.  Thanks!

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