This is the reply to my original email to MSN support. They did not address my original question. They ignored/missed it completely.

From: "MSN Messenger Support"
To: <*****>
Subject: RE: CST161777889ID - Messenger: I need to know how to do : : *****
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 08:10:31 -0700
Message-ID: <235201c444c5$eb15ff70$>

Hello Dan,=20

Thank you for writing to MSN Messenger.=20

First, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering your email
as you have expected.=20

You mentioned that you have been logged out from MSN Messenger.=20

If this is the error message that you receive, "You have been signed out
of .NET Messenger Service because you signed in at another location,"
one of the following conditions may be true:=20

- Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger are installed on the same
computer, and both applications are open.=20
- You signed in to the same .NET Passport account on multiple computers,
and the computers have different Microsoft Messenger clients open.=20
- .NET Messenger Service signed out one of the instant messenger client
sessions (Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger) running on the same
computer, or one of the sessions running on separate computers under the
same .NET Passport account.=20

To resolve the issue, do the following:=20

1. Close all open Microsoft Messenger clients, and then restart one.=20

a. In the notification area located at the far right of the taskbar,
look for more than one active Microsoft Messenger client. Active
Microsoft Messenger client icons do not have a white =E2=80=9CX=E2=80=9D =
inside a red

b. If there are multiple Microsoft Messenger clients open, close all of
them, and then sign in to one. For additional technical support for MSN
Messenger and Windows Messenger, visit :=20

Note: Some programs, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook
Express, and Remote Assistance, connect to Windows Messenger by default.
When you are signed in to MSN Messenger, people who connect to these
programs may list you as a contact, but you may appear to be offline.=20

2. Remove all accounts from the drop down list of you MSN Messenger sign
in window.=20

If you are using Windows XP Professional Edition, follow these steps:=20
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.=20
2. Double-click User Accounts or you can also do the following:=20
a. Go to Windows 'Start' menu, and then click 'Run'.=20
b. In the 'Open' box, type "control userpasswords2" (without quotations,
you can copy and paste the text into the box).=20
c. In the 'User Accounts' window or Advanced tab, look for 'Manage
Passwords' link, then click on it.=20
d. In the 'Stored User Names and Passwords' window, remove all accounts
and the 'Passport. Net\*(Passport)' for the password stored. To remove
an account, click an account, and then click 'Remove'.=20
e. Click 'Close'.=20
f. Sign out of MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger.=20
g. Right-click the Messenger icon on the taskbar, and then click Exit.=20
h. Skip steps 3 to 5=20
3. Under User Name, select the user name you want to remove the .NET
Passport for.=20
4. Click the Advanced tab, click Manage Passwords, and then click
Passport. Net\*(Passport) and e-mail accounts stored.=20
5. Click Remove.=20

For Windows XP Home Edition:=20

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.=20
2. Double-click User Accounts or you can also do the following:=20
a. Go to Windows 'Start' menu, and then click 'Run'.=20
b. In the 'Open' box, type "control userpasswords2" (without quotations,
you can copy and paste the text into the box).=20
c. In the 'User Accounts' window or Advanced tab, look for 'Manage
Passwords' link, then click on it.=20
d. In the 'Stored User Names and Passwords' window, remove all accounts
and the 'Passport. Net\*(Passport)' for the password stored. To remove
an account, click an account, and then click 'Remove'.=20
e. Click 'Close'.=20
f. Sign out of MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger.=20
g. Right-click the Messenger icon on the taskbar, and then click Exit.=20
h. Skip steps 3 to 5=20
3. Select your account name, and then under Related Tasks, click Manage
My Network Passwords.=20
4. Click the .NET Passport you want to delete and/or Passport.
Net\*(Passport) for the password stored.=20

3. Change your password immediately as you mentioned that your laptop
was stolen. Here are the steps:=20

a. Visit
b. Click Sign In, and then type your .NET Passport credentials in the
appropriate boxes.=20
c. Under Members, click Reset your password.=20
d. Follow the instructions in the Reset Your Password wizard.=20
e. Click Submit.=20

Passwords are case-sensitive. You must use the same spelling and
capitalization each time you sign in. You can change your password
whenever you want. For security purposes, you may want to change it

Note: The password for your .NET Passport account must contain 6 to 16
characters or you may have problems signing in to MSN Messenger.=20

We appreciate your support and patience. Do let us know if you have
other concern.=20

For additional online help, please go to:=20


MSN Messenger Support=20

--- Original Message ---=20
From: *****
Sent: Thu May 27 16:43:45 PDT 2004=20
Subject: Messenger: I need to know how to do : : *****

Dan Langille=20
Full sign-in name:=20
At what e-mail address would you like to receive a response from us?:=20

To ensure a quick resolution, provide as many details as possible,
including the date and time the problem occurred, a description of what
you were trying to do, the detailed steps you took that led up to the
problem, and details on any error messages that you received.:My laptop
was stolen. It logs into MSN Messenger automatically.=20
Today at about 5:30 PM EST, I was logged out of MSN Messenger on my=20
home desktop. I suspect the thief powered on the laptop and that's=20
why I was logged out.=20

My home IP address is (

Can you confirm that there was a login to MSN Messenger using=20
***** at about 5:30 PM EST on May 27 2004 from an IP=20
address other than If so, then I'll contact the=20
Ottawa Police (report # 04-131729).=20

Thank you.=20

What is the frequency of the problem?:=20

Where are you trying to connect from?:=20

Which Version of Messenger are you Running?:=20

If you have a firewall, which one?:=20

Who is Your ISP?:=20

What type of internet connection do you have?:=20

Where did you get Messenger?:=20

Service : Messenger=20
What type of problem do you have?:=20
I need to know how to do something=20

Which browser are you using: IE6

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello Dan,

Thank you for writing to MSN Messenger.

First, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering your email =
as you have expected.

You mentioned that you have =
been logged out from MSN Messenger.

If this is the error =
message that you receive, "You have been signed out of .NET Messenger =
Service because you signed in at another location," one of the following =
conditions may be true:

- Windows Messenger and MSN =
Messenger are installed on the same computer, and both applications are =
- You signed in to the same .NET Passport account on =
multiple computers, and the computers have different Microsoft Messenger =
clients open.
- .NET Messenger Service signed out one of the =
instant messenger client sessions (Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger) =
running on the same computer, or one of the sessions running on separate =
computers under the same .NET Passport account.

To =
resolve the issue, do the following:

1. Close all open =
Microsoft Messenger clients, and then restart one.

a. =
In the notification area located at the far right of the taskbar, look =
for more than one active Microsoft Messenger client. Active Microsoft =
Messenger client icons do not have a white “X” inside a red =

b. If there are multiple Microsoft =
Messenger clients open, close all of them, and then sign in to one. For =
additional technical support for MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger, =
visit :


Note: Some programs, such =
as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and Remote Assistance, =
connect to Windows Messenger by default. When you are signed in to MSN =
Messenger, people who connect to these programs may list you as a =
contact, but you may appear to be offline.

2. Remove all =
accounts from the drop down list of you MSN Messenger sign in window. =

If you are using Windows XP Professional Edition, follow =
these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. =

2. Double-click User Accounts or you can also do the following: =

a. Go to Windows 'Start' menu, and then click 'Run'. =

b. In the 'Open' box, type "control userpasswords2" =
(without quotations, you can copy and paste the text into the box). =

c. In the 'User Accounts' window or Advanced tab, look for =
'Manage Passwords' link, then click on it.
d. In the =
'Stored User Names and Passwords' window, remove all accounts and the =
'Passport. Net\*(Passport)' for the password stored. To remove an =
account, click an account, and then click 'Remove'.
e. =
Click 'Close'.
f. Sign out of MSN Messenger or Windows =
g. Right-click the Messenger icon on the =
taskbar, and then click Exit.
h. Skip steps 3 to 5 =

3. Under User Name, select the user name you want to remove the =
NET Passport for.
4. Click the Advanced tab, click Manage =
Passwords, and then click Passport. Net\*(Passport) and e-mail accounts =
5. Click Remove.

For Windows XP Home =

1. Click Start, and then click Control =
2. Double-click User Accounts or you can also do the =
a. Go to Windows 'Start' menu, and then click =
b. In the 'Open' box, type "control =
userpasswords2" (without quotations, you can copy and paste the text =
into the box).
c. In the 'User Accounts' window or =
Advanced tab, look for 'Manage Passwords' link, then click on it. =

d. In the 'Stored User Names and Passwords' window, remove =
all accounts and the 'Passport. Net\*(Passport)' for the password =
stored. To remove an account, click an account, and then click 'Remove'. =

e. Click 'Close'.
f. Sign out of MSN =
Messenger or Windows Messenger.
g. Right-click the =
Messenger icon on the taskbar, and then click Exit.
h. Skip steps 3 to 5
3. Select your account name, and then =
under Related Tasks, click Manage My Network Passwords.
4. =
Click the .NET Passport you want to delete and/or Passport. =
Net\*(Passport) for the password stored.

3. Change your =
password immediately as you mentioned that your laptop was stolen. Here =
are the steps:

a. Visit =
b. =
Click Sign In, and then type your .NET Passport credentials in the =
appropriate boxes.
c. Under Members, click Reset your =
d. Follow the instructions in the Reset Your =
Password wizard.
e. Click Submit.

Passwords are case-sensitive. You must use the same spelling and =
capitalization each time you sign in. You can change your password =
whenever you want. For security purposes, you may want to change it =

Note: The password for your .NET =
Passport account must contain 6 to 16 characters or you may have =
problems signing in to MSN Messenger.

We appreciate your =
support and patience. Do let us know if you have other concern.

For additional online help, please go to: =


Sarah =

MSN Messenger Support

--- =
Original Message ---
From: *****
To: =
Sent: Thu May 27 16:43:45 PDT =
Subject: Messenger: I need to know how to do : : =

Dan Langille =

Full sign-in name:
At what e-mail =
address would you like to receive a response from us?:

To ensure a quick resolution, provide as =
many details as possible, including the date and time the problem =
occurred, a description of what you were trying to do, the detailed =
steps you took that led up to the problem, and details on any error =
messages that you received.:My laptop was stolen. It logs into MSN =
Messenger automatically.
Today at about 5:30 PM EST, I was =
logged out of MSN Messenger on my
home desktop. I suspect the =
thief powered on the laptop and that's
why I was logged out. =

My home IP address is ( =

Can you confirm that there was a login to MSN Messenger =
using at about 5:30 PM EST on May 27 2004 from =
an IP
address other than If so, then I'll =
contact the
Ottawa Police (report # 04-131729).

Thank you.

What is the frequency of the problem?:

Where are you trying to connect from?:

Which =
Version of Messenger are you Running?:

If you have a =
firewall, which one?:

Who is Your ISP?:

What type of internet connection do you have?:

Where did =
you get Messenger?:

Service : Messenger
What type =
of problem do you have?:
I need to know how to do something =

Which browser are you using: IE6